Jobman’s Kiosk interface provides factory workers with an easy-to-navigate layout, so they can access the information they need. This layout provides enough information for the user to do their job, while limiting access to sensitive client and company information.
Kiosk Dashboard
Agenda Screens
These displays work to be carried out in labour centres. This mobile-friendly, responsive design will work on smartphones, tablets, computer screens, or other browsers.
Recent Tasks
View, edit, and update recent tasks you have currently been working on.
Great for site staff to know where they’re going or confirm a delivery time.
- Names
- Phone numbers
- Addresses
- Location maps
Search Leads by Status and Type, Name or wild card search.
- Lead Specification
- File Attachments
- Sales Person
Search Jobs by Status and Type, Name and many other searchable fields.
- Files, access attachments like CAD Drawings
- Alerts
- Tasks
- Picking Lists
- Job Information
See all active tasks and if dates are being met.
- Log on to tasks that are assigned to you
- Create Alerts
- Access files
Access all reported issues and see images and description to resolve.
- Assigned Alerts
- Job they are related to
- See, download, or upload images
Purchase Orders
Prevent continual upstream interruptions by providing factory floor staff with the information they need to keep moving forward.
- See all active Purchases Orders and items contained within
- See activity on Purchase Order history
See what’s on hand and what’s available.
- Picking lists. Check off items as they are removed from inventory
Integra Systems
A good choice of interface for your factory floor is the Integra K4.0 kiosk, which is available through our partners at Integra Systems. Our Kiosk layout has been tested and designed to integrate seamlessly with the Integra Systems hardware.